Ten Little Facts About Horror Movies

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1. Because Danny Lloyd  , the kid who played Danny in The Shining, was so young he didn’t know he was making a horror film. He thought it was going to be a drama.

2. It took about a year to get the iconic shot in where blood pours out of the elevator in The Shining right, but only three days to film ( ;.

3. CandymanThe Candyman, played by Tony Todd, had to put real bees into his mouth to film the movie’s climax.

4. In the Scream series, Ghostface is voiced by Roger L. Jackson. The director, Wes Craven, intentionally hid Jackson on the set of all three original movies, so that his voice would be scarier to the actors hearing it. During the scenes where the characters were being taunted on the phone, Jackson was hidden on set, actually making the calls.

5. The original title thought of for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was ‘Head Cheese.’

6.The Texas Chainsaw Massacre- As if this movie wasn’t gruesome enough, the human skeleton featured during the end scenes was actually real. It had been sourced from India, apparently.

7. In order to film the premonition scene in Final Destination 3, the actors had to ride the actual roller coaster 26 times.

8. Interview With A Vampire- The actors behind the vampires had to be suspended upside down so that the blood would rush to their heads before they went into make-up. This was so make-up artists could trace their veins and make them stand out to give that now-famous creepy look. We’re not sure union reps would be happy with that these days.

9. Freddy Krueger was originally going to be a child molester, but that was thought to be too dark for the movie.

10. The Ring– Did you know that you can actually watch the full cursed tape? The footage at the start and end of the movie can be slowed down so you can actually view the whole thing. But do you dare?                                                                                                                


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